Follow the ABCs of School Nutrition blog to see what school nutrition programs in Illinois are doing and get new ideas! Here we will talk about everything from Illinois State Board of Education updates to food waste prevention strategies.
Have an idea for a blog post? Drop us a line at schoolnutrition@illinois.edu .
Published: January 18, 2024So you've got food waste. Now what?Even when you've done everything you can on the front-end to prevent food waste, some waste is still inevitable.
Published: January 3, 2024Preventing food waste with prep and serviceIn the preparation and service steps of your operations, several strategies can be used to prevent food waste.
Published: December 14, 2023Cut food waste (and costs) with tighter planning and procurementWhen it comes to food waste, many people think of unwanted or leftover food being tossed in the trash. Tighter planning and procurement strategies can help!
Published: December 7, 2023Want students to eat more of their meals? Try these policy and environmental updates.We know policy changes can be challenging, but scheduling tweaks can make a big difference with how much food is eaten.
Published: November 18, 2023Why manage school food waste? Here are 4 great reasons.Up to 7 billion school meals are served each year, yet school nutrition programs often generate a lot of waste that ends up in the landfill.
Published: September 23, 2022Communication is key for share table successCommunication is essential for making your share table a success. How can we reach all groups and individuals who interact with the share table to keep it running smoothly and safely?
Published: September 16, 2022For smooth sailing at the share table, think through the detailsAs you’re thinking about what share table model will work for your school, consider more detailed logistics to make the share table run smoothly.
Published: September 9, 2022One-way, two-way, hybrid: Share table types and the flow of foodIt’s easiest to think about share tables in terms of the flow of food and how items are placed and taken – can it go one way or back and forth?
Published: September 2, 2022Tackle food waste, feed hungry students with a share tableWhile it’s best to tackle food waste on the front end with good menu planning and procurement, some waste can be inevitable.