University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign


Our downloadable resources include cycle menu examples, recipes, cafeteria signage, and other tools to give your program a boost. We’ve also compiled links to partner sites with information on best practices for a variety of child nutrition topics.

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Production Record Template
Documentation and Kitchen References

Production Record Template

Use this production record template to keep track of how much food is prepared and served.

Updated 12/14/2020

Quick Kitchen Conversions (11 x 14)
Documentation and Kitchen References

Quick Kitchen Conversions (11 x 14)

Laminate and hang in food prep areas as a quick reference for cooks.

Updated 06/28/2024

Quick Kitchen Conversions (8.5 x 11)
Documentation and Kitchen References

Quick Kitchen Conversions (8.5 x 11)

Laminate and hang in food prep areas as a quick reference for cooks.

Updated 06/28/2024

Smart Snacks: Nutrient Standards
Documentation and Kitchen References

Smart Snacks: Nutrient Standards

Print this handout as a reference for the Smart Snacks nutrient standards for snacks and entrees.

Updated 05/31/2023

Smart Snacks: Snack or Entree?
Documentation and Kitchen References

Smart Snacks: Snack or Entree?

Use this chart to determine whether a food item is considered a snack or entrée.

Updated 05/25/2023

USDA Professional Standards
Documentation and Kitchen References

USDA Professional Standards

Information on USDA Professional Standards requirements, including learning objectives, tracker tool, and links to trainings.
USDA Professional Standards Learning Objectives and Codes
Documentation and Kitchen References

USDA Professional Standards Learning Objectives and Codes

USDA Professional Standards hourly requirements and learning objectives. Print for quick reference!

Updated 06/04/2024

USDA Smart Snacks Guide
Documentation and Kitchen References

USDA Smart Snacks Guide

This USDA guide reviews Smart Snacks standards and how to tell if a food/beverage meets requirements.

Updated 01/28/2021